As one of Scotland’s largest charities, ENABLE Scotland is backing the UN’s ambitions to commit to Net Zero ahead of COP26.
ENABLE is committing to the Race to Zero, as part of Scotland’s Net Zero Community, and is one of only two organisations within the voluntary sector to make the commitment to reduce their carbon footprint by 2050.
With world leaders attending the United Nation’s COP26 summit in Glasgow from 31 October – 12 November, the World’s attention will turn to Scotland next week and with this in mind, it is an excellent opportunity for every organisation and individual to look at what they can do.
Everyone across society has a role to play to tackle climate change – be that political leaders, businesses, local councils, institutions, community groups, members, staff, individuals, and you, to overcome the climate emergency we face.
Head of Charity Development Jamie Rutherford said:
As Scotland becomes the focal point for climate change next week, we must all ask ourselves what we can do to tackle the climate change emergency. It is a time for us all to be reflective about what practices and impact we have as individuals as well as organisations and what imprint we are leaving for future generations. Covid-19 has and continues to be our focus while we support our members, but it is also an opportunity for organisations to change how they work and what impact they have on the environment.
We are pledging our commitment as an organisation to align our practices with the ambition of reaching net-zero by 2050. We are adjusting our practices with a focus on reducing our water, heating and waste management and off-setting programmes.
The pledge was approved by the Executive in September 2021 and a working group was set up to implement the changes. As part of the pledge, ENABLE Scotland will publish its findings in its annual report.
28 October 2021